Du'aa Player
Du'aa Text
‘Shall I not direct you both (The Prophet (SAWS) was addressing Ali and Fatimah-may Allah be pleased with them- when they approached him for a servant) to something better than a servant? When you go to bed say:
Subhanal-lah. (thirty-three times) سُبْـحانَ الله (ثلاثاً وثلاثين)
‘How Perfect Allah is.’ (thirty-three times)
Alhamdu lillah. (thirty-three times) الحمدُ لله (ثلاثاً وثلاثين)
‘All praise is for Allah.’ (thirty-three times)
Allahu akbar. (thirty-four times) اللهُ أكْـبر (أربعاً وثلاثين)
‘Allah is the greatest.’ (thirty-four times)
…for that is indeed better for you both than a servant.’